Visitors report / history
Beelitz sanatorium
From our own experience:
Our first trip takes us to the Beelitz treatment centers. The interest to look at this particular hospital was a bit longer and after some research on the internet, it was in March so far for our team. Let's go to Berlin. Towards the end of the morning we are, after we went only in the wrong direction ..:-) and have found ourselves in Fichtenwalde again, arrived there. In the pouring rain and low dark clouds, we set a first glimpse of the impressive and beautiful old buildings. One of the old buildings still stands next to the new hospital. Broken windows, overgrown and overgrown stands the building. The windows show surviving arches and beautiful colors. If you go past the old buildings you feel you are being observed. It is a strange and ghostly mood here. The old pavilions are staggering to me, you may still properly introduced as then the doctors or patients sat underneath. All the entrances where you could come in were sealed for security reasons, which did not prevent us from still to pass through a loophole inside. The beautiful old staircases and the great room with its vaulted ceiling, one can not at all describe it as beautiful as you've seen it. Everywhere new passages and many doors. For camera crews with permission and photo team Heistätte are begebar, but also other many individuals were joined on unsrem tour. Completely open, although a large fence (the right and left to end), to block the way to run uninhibited and interested visitors with cameras in large groups of all ages the sanatorium contrary. It is also very attractive to look at these individual houses from the inside. Especially the very back gorgeous with long balcony and courtyard. Only here also caution, parts of the houses are in danger of collapse, parts of the roof already fallen together and collapsed stairs to the part. Also in the basement where it is very dark, are deep holes in the ground that are sometimes not recognize with the naked eye. Also is there in front of the first two houses, which was the home of former employees, a unterirdicher access, which is komlett in the dark. So please if you're interested and the Beelitz sanatorium want to watch, please during the day and with caution. When we were there flourished the right and left of the almost unrecognizable way, even the Easter bells, as if she wanted to light the way. By and large, you just have to say that it was worth it and stay low forever get us in the memories and impressions. We needed to give us all to look exactly four whole hours. Here it is and also noticed the many things there willfully destroyed it and smeared wurden.große ugly graffiti paintings accompany almost everywhere. I mean if it's been so open to the public and it will attract interest we ought to preserve the memory and not with feet
History on the Beelitz treatment centers
The Beelitzer- sanatoriums were built from 1898 to 1930 by the National Insurance Institute Berlin, the Workers' sanatorium is one of the largest hospital complexes in the surrounding areas. It is a listed area of 60 buildings (vovon but only get a small part). Of the sanatorium there are two areas north of the railway line, the sanatoriums and in the two southern areas sanatoria for the treatment of infectious diseases not caused. The areas were separated by sex, west of the road, the women's sanatorium and - sanatoriums, east of the same health resorts and sanatoria as well for the men. The premises were to the west where most men were engaged and were engaged in the east predominantly women. 1898-1902 was carried out the first phase of construction under the architect Heino forging and Julius Boethke. 1908-1910 was, in the second phase, the number of beds increased from 600 to 1200 by the architect Fritz Schulze, who was also responsible 1926-1930. Which belongs to the sanatorium heating plant was operated sschon 1903 Cogeneration and is now a technical monument. The shell of the so-called boiler house south with the resulting machine room and the water tower was extensively renovated by the owner, the Potsdam-Mittelmark. In the first and second world war, the beelitzer treatment centers serve as a hospital and sanatorium for sick and wounded soldiers. (Who look closely during his visit can clear indications recognize). Un ter the approximately 17500 convalescents who were housed from 1914 to 1918, was of Okt.1916-Dez.1916 also Corporal Adolf Hitler. 1942 was south of the Women's sanatorium built by the architect Egon Eiermann an alternative hospital for Potsdam. This was used as 1945-1998 Clinic for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis ziviel and is now used mainly as a nursing home and by the Academy of Nursing. Moment during the Battle of Berlin in 1945 were placed in regions further west about 3000 wounded and the staff of the sanatorium by the Army Wenck. After the end of World War II, in which the sanatoriums were partly badly damaged, the site was taken over in 1945 by the Red Army. The sanatorium served until 1994 as the largest military hospital of the Soviet / Russian army abroad. It was in December 1990, the whereabouts of liver cancer patients Erich Honecker, before he and his wife Margot have been lied to Moscow.