
The past of the VEB "Otto Grotewohl" Böhlen, operating part car care products Leipzig-Plagwitz



The "globe-Werke" said company, based in the Hard Straße in Leipzig, had a production facility in Leipzig-Plagwitz. Diser factory complex was built in 1897 and it was founded by the oHG Fritz Schulz jun. AG Leipzig. The complex was from 1905 until 1911, constantly expanding. Among others, an administrative building, boiler house, apartment house and several wings. Also the main building counts among them. During World War II the factory suffered considerable damage to the first floor, the factory buildings were zerbomt. After the war, a temporary roof above the boiler house and the farm buildings were built. Plans for reconstruction and a second entrance was presented, but not implemented. In 1949 the nationalization, renamed Chemical-technical VEB globe-Werke Leipzig. The main building was 1950 emergency roof and the other zerstörrten factory buildings were rebuilt but until 1957. In 1957 also the ancient name of the factory in VVB Sapotex VEB-changed world works. With effect from 1 January 1969, the VEB Kombinat Grotewohl Böhlen, the VEB Kombinat Espen Hein and two other VEB combines zusammengelegt.Von was 1968, the plant was transformed from an operation of Karbochemie to a petroleum processing and petrochemistry and was established in 1970 as VEB Otto Grotewohl Böhlen Kombinat VEB operation of petrochemistry cal Kombinat Schwedt. The conversion of some buildings in a laboratory and research was carried out in 1972. Also, the boiler house was equipped with a two flame tube boiler in the same year. The new name in 1972 was VEB aerosol dispenser Karl-Marx-Stadt, operating part Leipzig. In 1980, there came again to Namenswecksel of the complex in VEB Wittol Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Leipzig Betreibsteil. With 7,800 employees in 1987 accounted for about 12% of industrial goods production in the district of Leipzig and shares in the GDR production in 1986 by 100% of flights petrol, 80% of ethylene, 75% for Elektrodenkoks and 60% propylene he had to developed a focus operation of the district of Leipzig. The last Namenswecksel took place shortly afterwards in VEB "Otto Grotewohl" Böhlen, operating part car care products Leipzig. The company was known through the Lord position of cleaning and care products such as plaster powder, plaster soaps and polishes and many more. The buildings are equipped with reinforced concrete ribbed floors and they have many decorative elements in construction. Particularly interesting is the entrance with a monumental Atlas Plastic carrying the eponymous "globe". The wings and some ancillary facilities such as garage and boiler house with large chimney grouped along the orthogonal lines of streets around two courtyards. In 1995, the factory closed under the new Namenswecksel in Säsische Olefinwerke AG Bohlen was. Since then, the site is unused. The buildings deteriorate further and have become ruins. In the basement collects groundwater and industrial complex is gutted complet. Also, the chemical production site as contaminated with pollutants that after many decades. Is planned from the former now protected monument factory buildings soon Flats to make.

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