Alte Mülldeponie in Lobstädt
Ursprünglich war die Mülldeponie offensichtlich ein riesiges Fabrikgelände. Einige ehemalige Fabrikgebäude sind zum Teil noch zu sehen. Leider konnten wir zu dem Gelände und den noch vorhandenen und langsam unter Müll begrabenen Fabrikgebäuden keine Vergangenheit finden, dennoch sind zumindest die alten Gebäude eine schöne Bildervorlage.
Old landfill in Lobstädt
Originally, the landfill was obviously a huge factory site. Some former factory buildings are still partially visible. Unfortunately, we could not find a past for the site and the existing and slowly buried under refuse factory buildings, but at least the old buildings are a nice picture template.
Originally, the landfill was obviously a huge factory site. Some former factory buildings are still partially visible. Unfortunately, we could not find a past for the site and the existing and slowly buried under refuse factory buildings, but at least the old buildings are a nice picture template.