History / Visitors report
The old brick factory in Leipzig Liebertwolkwitz
history / Visitors report
Unfortunately, we can not as yet been able to bring the past of the old factory at the end of Leipzig in Liebertwolkwitz experience. We know only that it is an old brickyard and was built around 1912. Also, it is said to have fired in June 2014 there due to arson. According to the police report, the offender should have lit garbage and refuse. Also, the police can not explain how the yet unknown perpetrators had come to the site because the factory area is fenced. What we forward the results on hellichsten day apparently without haste and somehow hide us came to the so-called fenced in area and probably noticed we were not the only ones. Garbage and filth were on the factory premises in masses. There were also various parts of roofs that have fired there someday. In part, all roofs are already collapsed. Also complete ruins lie there scattered around. There was virtually no windows. The contents of the adjacent smaller building groups was covered with old chairs, trash, old Kucheltieren, electrical appliances, car tires, umgeschmissenen cabinets and other debris. In front of the garages people have created a self-proclaimed garbage dump, the vegitiert as though to himself. Before the very rear of the building are old verostete barrels between scrub around. Between the buildings halbabgedeckte extinguishers are in the soil can be seen only by chance. The buildings can barely walk out of sheer blue garbage bags. I think the only thing that still stands without prejudice there is the large factory chimney. For the building in front of the chimney can be seen only remnants of walls which nature brings back slowly. Even the slightly larger building that runs right from large factory hall faces when coming back toward the road, is largely collapsed in on itself. The one room, at least it was once been one, is completely overgrown and the roof there are no more, and the other as already collapsed in on itself. The large factory hall in the center of the grounds of attachments a single pile of rubble. Piles of rubble, fallen walls and walls lying around. Ansich the whole area is a unique landscape of rubble and it looks like there shortly after the war. None of the building is still there, the Zefall of the 103-year-old factory is reflected in all angles and it is only a matter of time until it is completely gone from the Bildfläsche.