The old factory Swiderski Leipzig-Plagwitz
Plagwitz was the beginning of his story no more than a village which was first mentioned in 1486. Gradually, fabric factories and settled, from the 1860s Plagwitz grew significantly by industry and became the Leipzig industrial location. Numerous factories found their way into Plagwitz and Maschinenfabrik "Swiderski" was one of them. 1888 this was built in Plagwitz. The architecture of the factory came from the Edwardian architect Steyer and Paul Ranft. The coat of arms of Swiderski depends granite carved over the entrance door. 1892 Foundry building was built in the south of the factory. 1898, the narrow courtyard between the parallel hangars by Paul Ranft was fitted with a glass roof. The factory also had its own water supply. Ph. Swiderski did produce steam machines in the factory. At the beginning of the operation with high-speed printing presses and small steam engines began. Then Petrolium engines and locomotives were produced. The company was later converted into a public limited company, which Swiderski initially retained the larger share. But he had problems because his son did not lead further and his daughter had no interest in the factory. 1906 died Ph. Swiderski. After 1916, the factory owned by the industry Werke GmbH was presented to primarily produce printing machines. The operation passed into the hands of George skewers in 1921 after the First World War. Under the new line dedicated manufacturing the printing machine. After the end of World War II, the factory had survived without further damage, it was like many other factories also nationalized and became part of the VEB presses Leipzig. Until its demise here in 1990 Druchereimaschinen for home and abroad were still made in tradition.