Beijing Wonderland
History of the Park
Wonderland is an abandoned amusement park, a construction project in Chenzhuang Village, China, about 20 Mail (32 KM) outside of Beijing. Originally proposed and developed, the park was by the developers Tailand Reignwood Group, the largest amusement park in Asia. In 1998, the construction was stopped because Finazproblemen with the local authorities. In 2008, the construction was abandoned. The object of such a massive construction project has raised concerns about the existence of a real estate bubble in China. In May 2013, the incomplete and abandoned buildings were demolished, so it is no hope for the park was to be completed Jamal. While there is no official statement what with the terrain, where the park once stood, is to happen. But the head of the group Reignwood for Investment Authority (a division of the company) has announced that a "comprehensive luxury product supermarket" is to be built on the site. But the project still hang on the "formalities of building permits"!
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