The Paul-Wegmann-school ruins in Zeitz
The old school ruined in the Schulstraße in Zeitz, was named after Paul Wegmann to remember him and and his work and to honor. Paul Wegmann was born on 17 September 1889 in Ronsdorf. Even as a child, he worked as an errand boy. Since his first teaching him not appeal in a forge, he completed a further training as a mechanic and locksmith in Kronberg. Then he went on tour and worked in different metalworking trades. The former resistance fighter against Nazism and Reichstag deputy resigned in 1903 at the DMV in Plauen, the entry into the SPD took place later. Paul Wegmann supported after the outbreak of World War 1, when opponents of the Social Democratic burgfriedenspolitik 1914 Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht. 1917 joined the then left-wing socialist German politician of the USPD. Until the November Revolution he lived in illegality. Paul Wegmann belonged to the left wing of the USPD, they joined the end of 1920 with the KPD and after he was elected as one of three representatives of the party district of Berlin-Brandenburg the VKPD in the central committee of the party in December 1920 he was established in 1922 on charges the fracture, ruled by the conflict after the "March Action" in 1921 together with Otto Brass. After the Gewerksschaftler the CISA (Communist Workers' Union) joined that opened shortly afterwards in the USPD. Paul Wegmann moved in 1922 to again as a member of the USPD, in the Reichstag, as a replacement for the late Ernst Däumig. In 1924 he left together with the party chairman Georg Ledebour the party and participated in the construction of the socialist federation. From 1925 he attended courses at the German University in Berlin. From 1927 was Paul Wegmann city youth workers in Berlin-Weissensee, due to political differences with the administration he left there, the service and was starting from 1930 district youth workers in Zeitz. After he had entered in 1927 in the SPD, he was there again active and gave lectures to youth policy issues. After the NSDAP took power, Paul Wegmann was released and came in 1934 in pre-trial detention. After 8 months he was released for lack of evidence. By denunciation and betrayal he came from late 1935 to early 1937, according to Hall in pre-trial detention, his prosecution was "conspiracy to commit high treason," and he was sentenced to two years imprisonment which he had to serve in Straftgefängnis Magdeburg. After serving his sentence, he was taken into police custody, as you saw him and his actions as a political threat. In March 1938, Paul Wegmann came using a protective custody command of the Gestapo to Sachsenhausen concentration camp, where he was released in early 1940 and worked to recapture until the end of August 1944 in a Berlin-carbon action. 1945 seriously ill and weakened Paul Wegmann concentration camp Bergen-Belsen was moved, where he died on April 3, 1945, shortly before the camp was liberated, from severe diabetes and typhus. A memorial stone in front of the Paul-Wegmann-school in Zeitz reminds today to him, and a street named after him in Zeitz. A children's home named after him was decommissioned. The school was used as a film set for the ZDF film "Our mothers, our fathers". In the movie is about the 2nd World War in which the school plays a military hospital.