
The former Psychiatric hospital Leipzig dozing





The hospital was built by Otto Wilhelm dozing Scharrenberg 1899-1901 in the pavilion style on the corridor of the then stelbstständigen village dozing. Today's Park Hospital Leipzig-dozing was opened in 1901 as a psychiatric clinic hospital dozing. The urban Medicinal and Plegeanstalt dozing largely adopted the psychiatric care of the mentally ill and disabled of Leipzig. Even in front of the First World War in January 1913 the hospital after dozing of Leipzig were incorporated was the entry into force of the Saxon astray care law, adopted as the Royal Land healing and nursing home Leipzig-dozing by the Kingdom of Saxony. 1911 died Daniel Paul Schreber, the world's best-known psychiatric patient in dozing. After the First World War in the Weimar Republic, the clinic Saxon Clinic for Psychiatry was. The clinic was conducted from 1918 to 1928 by Hermann Paul Nitsche. 1933 moved to the children's department in the State Institute Chemnitz-Altendorf. In the era of National Socialism was involved in the action T4. T4 has become a common name in 1945 has become for the systematic murder of more than 70,000 people with mental and physical disabilities in the years 1940 and 1941. As of August 1939 had doctors, midwives, children's hospitals and maternity homes make immediate notification of "malformed" children. After the racial ideology of the Nazis, these children were "unworthy of life" and had to die. In the entire Reich children's wards were established, where today's estimated that at least 5,000 children and young people were killed with diagnoses such as mongolism or paralysis. So also in the Park Hospital Leipzig-doze. In October 1940, was founded at the initiative of the pediatrician Werner Catel under the Nazi child euthanasia crimes a Department of Psychiatry children again. In this led by doctor Arthur lunch Division 1940-1943 551 children and young people are killed in this Action T4, most of them with medication. At the babarischen crime in the old hospital Leipzig-dozing not even reminds a plaque, only in Peace Park, a memorial to the children killed was built. Since many hospitals were destroyed it Leipzig during the Second World War, the Surgical Department of the Interior and St. Jacob's Hospital were transferred to doze. As part of the Action Brandt came to parts of different university hospitals, including parts of the University Children's Hospital, whose infection Station and children department headed by Hanz-Joachim Hartenstein. 583 patients were sterilized as part of the Action Brandt in dozing. For the supply of 200 patients suffering from typhus forced laborers an isolation ward in 1941 was established. 1946 was dozing the clinic status and as part of the district foundation in the GDR, the clinic in 1952 went back into the possession of the city of Leipzig. During the GDr-time dozing in the treatment was strongly associated with the state apparatus and unpleasant foes, were interned here. From then on it was called Hospital Leipzig dozing. The later Director of the Neurology Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Leipzig-Dietfried Muller-Hegemann was 1951-1953 Head of the hospital dozing. In 1958, the clinic Regional Hospital for Psychiatry Leipzig dozing in the district of Leipzig. Lene Voigt, the Saxon dialect poet, spent her last years in dozing. In her schizophrenia was diagnosed. Her works she gave as "Saxon Bits and pieces" of the hospital staff. From 1990, the hospital was renamed the park Hospital Leipzig-dozing, since the hospital was expanded to psychiatry for children, youth and adults, surgery and internal medicine. There were also other departments such as anesthesia, outpatient clinics, rehabilitation and occupational and Physiotherapist. On the site of the Pathalogische and the Institute of Radiology, medical center, pharmacy, nursing and social services were located. Its extensive grounds had a church, schools, daycare, kitchen, Wäschrei, workshop for labor and work therapy. The physical well cared cafeteria or dining room and Leisure abweckslungsreiche point of sale, sauna, fitness rooms and a bowling alley. From 1993, the clinic merged with the town clinic for rehabilitation Othopädie and Dr. Georg bag. In 1999, the hospital was taken over by Rhön-Klinikum. Then, the hospital was relocated to a new building in the district of Leipzig Probstheida and this carrier gave him 2009, its current name. The site was sold to a Immobilien AG in Arnstadt. The facilities include since 2014 in the private sponsorship of HelioS. The Park Hospital has 724 beds and is an acute care hospital and an academic teaching hospital of the University of Leipzig. Many of the great often held in brick buildings stand empty today. Parts of the area are closed to the public. On the designated roads a crossing is possible. Some of the houses have been renovated and are inhabited today

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