Hashima Island
Hashima Iceland (in German. "Cross Island") belongs to the city of Nagasaki and is a Japanese island three kilometers southwest of Takashima is. In the vernacular of the Japanese called the island also Gunkanjima which translates as "warship" means. Hashima from undersea coal mining was operated from 1887 to 1974. Since 1974, she is an uninhabited ghost town. originally owned the island has a width of 120 m and a length of 320 m. The island was in 1897 increased by six different landfills with overburden, reaching a present-day extent of a width of 160 m, a length of 480 m and a length of 1.2 kilometers coast. The area is 6.3 ha. Under the direction of the Mitsubishi Group began around 1916 on the island of the heyday of mining. Up to 5259 workers and their families lived for a time on Hashima and it was also the same time built Japan's first multi-storey residential buildings of reinforced concrete in the working class town. The staff was immersed in the Second world war against Chinese and Korean forced laborers and came by the inhuman working and living conditions of which 1,300 slave laborers to death. The remains of the dead were thrown into the sea or buried in old abandoned tunnels. 1959 found on Hashima a population density was the highest ever recorded in the world. The living quarters of the workers were approximately 9.9 square meters and for married workers had the family were the living quarters twice as large. Kitchens, bathrooms and toilets all had to share. Since the area was limited to the build above was also built much further underground, as well as the Infastruktur the island was constantly re-expanded. It was on Hashima a police station, swimming pools, a kindergarten, residential and administrative buildings, temples and shrines, a sewage treatment plant, a post office, a cinema, elementary and secondary schools, a gymnasium, a bowling alley, several restaurants, a hotel, 25 shops various kinds, a hospital, a brothel and an outdoor swimming pool. the only thing that did not exist on the island was a funeral home. In roof gardens were cultivated by the inhabitants of tea, herbs or vegetables. From the main island they received through undersea cables water and electricity. On January 15, 1974, the closure of the works was decided during the energy reform. Since, except for a Demontagekomando, suddenly all residents were unemployed, they had to leave in a hurry Hashima. On April 20 In 1974 the last boat left the island. Many personal items such as furniture, toys or consumer electronics were also machines and buildings in place as allowed back. The residential and administrative buildings are deserted today, decayed and collapsed completely in some cases. Today visitors can enjoy a picture of Zerstörrung and decay. For many Japanese Hashima is considered as a memorial of reckless industrialization and exploitation of people and nature. Also in view of the inglorious function as a temporary labor camp. The designated popularly around "ghost island" especially attracts teenagers under its spell. However, this left on the island, although the public had long not allowed due to the dangers, fire pits, waste and other human survivors' managed. In the meantime, visit a secure path on the island was instaled because the city of Nagasaki has endeckt the tourist potential of Hashima, it also offers orbits with boats. For a long time, after which people fled as an evacuation in 1974 had left the island, Hashima had fallen into a ghost island until 2009, 35 years later brought interesierte visitors back into the deserted city zurück.2001 handed Mitsubishi Materials Hashima the city Takashima and Nagasaki in 2003 was incorporated into the city Takashima. the mayor started out a petition for an application to Hashima included as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. In 2003, a committee under the name (in German.) "Let Gunkan-jima World Heritage" which was founded regestriert as NPO. 2006 November, the coal mines of Hashima were on the Welterbekanidatenliste (in German.) "Industrial heritage of modernization in Kyushu / Yamaguchi" set, which dates back to the proposal of Governors of Kyushu. In September 2008 was introduced by the National Agency for Cultural Affairs of the list five including Hashima as a Japanese proposal to UNESCO.