History / Visitors report
The old Kammgarnsinnerei Sturgeon & Co.AG in Leipzig-Plagwitz
Exhaustive search and Recherschen we succeeded in the past the factory to learn and we can now give it a name.
The Kammgarnsinnerei sturgeon is located in the Plagwitz district and includes a large factory area including a part of it belongs to the Erich-Zeigner Avenue. The factory was built in 1900 and founded. The production - and administration buildings, such as the boiler room, cellar conditioning and Pfördnerhaus was built later added. 1880 founded the merchant Paul Rudolph Edwardian sturgeon in Leipzig Kleinzschocher worsted spinning Sturgeon & Co. KGaA. 1893 moved its headquarters to the merchant Plagwitz Erich-Zeigner Avenue was then called the channel Street and Elizabeth Avenue to 1949. Thus arose subsidiaries in 1889 in New York and in 1902 in Neschwitz in Decin in Bohemia. In 1911, the company was transformed into a corporation. With around 3,000 employees, the global company had developed before the First World War one of the biggest industries in Leipzig. 1920 continued the Sturgeon & Co.AG its expansion activities continued. 1921, the Group acquired the majority shareholding in Leipzig Wollkämmerei. 1928 Kammgarnspinnerei Gautzsch AG was acquired as a branch plant. During World War II turned the operation, like many other factories at the time, on arms production order. Nationalized in 1946 after the referendum the expropriation and the removal from the commercial register. The successor company fimierte as VEB means German Kammgarnspinnerei. In 1969 the operation with the Leipzig yarn factory was closed together for large company in Leipzig Buntgarnerke. Mid-1970s, the Buntgarnwerke were transferred to the nuns road, until then there was the main warehouse and the sheet metal deformation workshop in the Erich Zeigner Avenue. After laying the Buntgarnwerkes in the Nonnenstraße the VEB Leipzig Begleidungswerke Vestis used the factory building until 1992. After the collapse of the GDR, the site was sold to a Cologne investor and used from 1992 to 2003 by the company Bernd Berger Mode primarily for the production of clothing. Some of the factory building, inter alia, in the Erich-Zeigner Avenue are still in use today partially. The associated power plant is neglected and gradually falls in on itself. The company premises during the Second World War so badly damaged that today, unfortunately, only remnants of the original buildings are available. The spacious factory buildings were destroyed in the war with the characteristic shed roofs
Personal experience report.
As I said, unfortunately, we could find no evidence to light about this factory. We have old papers searched, searched the internet for clues, a name or some clue. Unfortunately, all clues lead to nothing. Nevertheless, we have the factory paid a visit in January 2015. And I must say it was beeintruckend. The terrain is eingzäunt and there is also a much-traveled road, not necessarily unobserved. Nevertheless, we came inside. The smaller of the building is occupied completely dark and without ash lamps pose a tripping hazard. Everywhere the ground sinks down, holes appear out of the darkness. Everywhere old workbenches like some of them already together. Old canisters, cans, drums with undefined contents are everywhere. Pursue large machines, pumps and cabinets and, through the factory In the basement of the soil with mud or something something similar (it's stupid to run it) is filled, and must have been times deeper soil since ancient tonnes or the doors are sunk partly drinne. If you do not have his eyes everywhere it could provide for severe headache because all old large heating tanks, aud the ceiling project. When you stand in the large factories to get in front of extremely small. The top floor is full of old cabinets and everywhere around are old documents, which unfortunately gave any indication. Old Heavy Duty Power Connectors and sanitary areas, offices with dirty halbabgesissenen curtains, even old shoes are still around there. The large building what is seen as half-hidden from the outside is monstrous. The old huge stoves are really a stunner. The heating tanks and large pipes, it can be not at all describe it as they had in mind. And Teppen of meetings. We ran each higher and higher. It's frightening when you look down, how deep you could fall. Everywhere we pursue funny flaunted graffiti from the plants. On the way down we would have lost our way almost. We have only seen stairs. We were glad when we had solid ground under our feet again. In this factory, it was really hard to keep track of time because it was only one way out, we had to remember the way back, which was drinne but not so easy here. Because of the many passages, large halls, basement and stairs which was not that easy to find. At the end of our Besichtung, still in a daze from all the sightseeing, our conclusion was it was one of the largest and most notable factories we had ever seen held. And I think the memories will hang us for a long time.