Visitors report
The cable car factory Adolf Bleichert in Leipzig-Gohlis
Visitors report
Mid-February 2015 brought us our entrepreneurial spirit into Wilhelm-velvet-street in Leipzig-Gohlis. The little side street leading away from the Lützowstraße does not stand out more, but the large factory complex all the more. First we visited the large building where it was the large factory hall, from the outside to look for a way to enter the inner. Unfortunately also brought our multiple climbing actions unsuccessful because the inner side to jump down really was too deep. So we decided to walk around the grounds and our efforts were rewarded. Sometimes the simplest and the best way. The entrance to the Lützowstraße the former cable car factory was wide open and revealed to us the whole view of the factory. Three fences tried to stand in our way, but many open doors with "Enter at your own risk" signs invited us to visit. Completely open, we could look at the former administrative buildings, workshops and factory building including basements and came from one building to another. Here were this time no long corridors, rather I had the feeling that a lot has been tried in a small space to create. In the middle two buildings, it looked pretty devastated, even the floors we could not really be trusted. The old wooden cupboards built into the walls were the highlight. Despite the projected decline in the rooms had not lost its sheen and a charm. Even in the attic, despite clear fire scars vaulted ceilings were beautiful to look at and its operating time there were certainly been pleasant looking rooms. It had since have been a major fire a fairly large area was affected. The transitions can be seen from the outside and the individual buildings joined together, we could not use the stairs as not trusting looked and had given way and the ground at the other end and showed great extinguisher. Even when we visited the adjacent factory building on the right side, we were not able in part to the upper floors, as many of them had already occurred and also the respective roofs were one floor below. In the rear of the building already formed a flourishing oasis in the second floor thanks missing roof. Also led the stairs with adjoining door or passage to nowhere or involuntarily to the ground floor. The rear factory yard was full of piles of rubble that were to some extent in the second and third half of the hall. Further back, they had already begun einzurüsten a building. I can not imagine that everything there is to be converted to ohnungen me, but oh well I guess that is it as far as converted to perhaps only the foundation stone reminiscent of the past and the rest of the building is its luster and charm by the combination of old into New clothing.