The forbidden city Military Hillersleben
Hiller life is about 5 kilometers east of Haldensleben at the ear and about 20 kilometers northwest of Magdeburg. Hillersleben is a municipality in the district of West Heath flange. The monastery Hillersleben was founded in the 10th century. Beginning of the 11th century, was first mentioned in relation to the monastery, the place under the name "Hildesleve". Otto, son of Count Milo and the Ludburg of greaves and Ammensleben called in the 12th century "Comes de Hilde Live". A castle is said to have stood on the site of the monastery was mentioned in the 12th century. The Counts of Hillersleben died out with the last descendants of Otto Hiller life. It is believed that the possessions of the Count went over to the Margrave of Brandenburg. The monastery itself became gradually all Bisitztümer in place Hillersleben. 1376 was the monastery by Archbishop Peter von Magdeburg the entire site as a donation. On September 22, a battle between Duke George of Mecklenburg and the citizens of Magdeburg found in Hillersleben, under the Smalcald War instead. 1564 were in place Hillersleben 26 landlords resident. 1577 Hillersleben is referred to in documents as entirely Protestant Siert. The church itself had no possessions, it was administered by the monastery, which had the right of patronage. During the kingdom of Westphalia Hillersleben belonged to the Canton Neuhaldensleben, district Neuhaldensleben in the same Department. The village Paxförde also belonged to Hillersleben. The "Forbidden City Hillersleben" was one of the forbidden city in the Soviet Army. Approximately 30,000 soldiers were preparing here before the Third World War. In the late 1930s of the last century Hillersleben is the military base. The Nationansozialisten were wiped off the map in one of the largest clearing operations in Europe, entire villages in the Colbitz-Letzinger Heath. During and before the Second World War was to Hillersleben a military research center associated with the adjacent military training area in the Altmark Colbitz-Letzinger Heath. 1934 began large construction projects and 1935 it was established as the second largest trial court of the German Wehrmacht. These Hiller between life and the edge of the forest, a nearly 30-kilometers were placed in the forest long and 750 wide swath at State. On the western edge of the glade a two-lane concrete road was built along the entire length of the square. North and on both sides of the concrete road created several test sites with bunkers. On a further 281 acres, west and east of concrete road, the Army Research Office received three additional remote test places. Along the entire shooting range the weapon effect was observed on the objectives. The A-site was about 4 kilometers north of Salchau on the eastern edge of the concrete road at distance meter 22,500th It was a large bunker, a model for the construction of the Western Wall with technical facilities for the supply, several floors, a 16 meter deep incision at the entrance and with a own narrow gauge railway passable. The test system was used to test anti-armor weapons. Prior to 1939, there was on the firing range a commander, an army-site management, a supply Komando, an army-catering main office and a military-Neubauamt. The construction of the Army Research Office lasted about 2 years. It was divided into nine main test sites. This Heeresversuchsanstalt served the Armed Forces, among others, for the testing of artillery and the "Dora" - gun. The to date biggest gun missed 7-ton shells. The first single-layer core tube was zeroed in on the firing range Hillersleben in the fall of 1941 on a Behelfslafette. Also, vehicles, tanks and powerful bunkers of the Western Wall were developed and tested in Hillersleben. As a result, the plant became the main target of Allied espionage. In April 1945 reached an evacuation Stranzberg port from the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen up in a grove at Hiller's life where he was flee by the guards. Women and Red Cross nurses provided the survivors. The dead and dying every day more were buried on the firing range. The Red Army use the system after the Second World War until 1994. The adjacent private houses were occupied by them. Little more than 30 minutes remained residents zuverlassen to their homes. They built from the training ground. From 1946 to 1948, she blew up the bunkers. The tracks were completely degraded. They built huge barracks. Hillersleben was the last position before the NATO enemy. Hillersleben the springboard was heading west, in just 48 hours, the fighting strength was increased to 50,000 men. Even atomic bombs were stationed at the practice site Mobile. Up to four families was living in an apartment in the huge concrete houses. The former professors had better equipped houses with balconies. The soldiers were housed in barracks. The higher ranks had their seberaten houses with garage a little further back. The three existing casinos were divided according to rank. The forest around it was ever abgerodet due to lack of space. Began in 1965 near the logging Born on 800 acres. 1981 around 600 hectares of intact forest with up to 500-year old oak trees were abgerodet on a decision Erich Honecker. In addition Hillersleben was the site of the 47th Armored Division of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. Several 10,000 Soviet soldiers were stationed at the barracks town. "Little Moscow" called the Hiller liver military town also members of higher rank lived. What happened behind the walls was top secret and off limits to the villagers. Hillersleben had a strategic important position in the Cold War. Today the area is used by the Bundeswehr for miliärische exercises. The formerly independent communities Hillersleben, Born and Neuenhofe joined, from January 2010 to the new municipality West Heath. Just outside the city peaceful new life Hiller is a ghost town. Hollow-eyed houses, an abandoned hospital and an orphan pool are some of the ruins of the now impenetrable jungle. Approximately 20 ruins are still available today. Despite several attempts and various investors no Hiller life and his story could save. The old riding Adolf Hitler with stables, accommodation, swimming pool and sauna, which partially collapsed Rider Hall and the ansehliche house where Adolf Hitler stood and gave out awards to be demolished later this year. A portion including the old school with the children's drawings on the walls, the old butcher shop, the old bakery and several smaller buildings have been razed to the ground. Then, a new solar park was built. The other buildings like the professor Villas, the hospital or large apartment blocks will be gone by 2018. One of the 35 meter high measuring equipment is on the main road and the intersection of National Highway. The track bed of the old narrow gauge railway is still recognizable today. Some of the bunker are have not been found. Also are still hundreds of the then Abrodungen oak remains scattered in the western edge strips. Since they are riddled with shrapnel and metal, it could not be processed by the sawmills. The abandoned barracks is a piece konserierte history. For about 20 years, the site will be forfeited. The East German citizens at that time was to enter the military town Hillersleben prohibited. Even today, not publicly talked about what really behind the closed doors of Hillersleben really happened. The few witnesses who are still alive today take their history and related secrets with her to the grave.